ZeMind — Innovating with lightning speed
Humans are capable of inventing incredible things. Just look around you. You are surrounded by the fruits of this limitless creative force that resides in each and every human being. Some don’t even dare to touch it, some utilize it and come up with great inventions. Only a minority is joining forces, innovate as a hivemind and change the world forever.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
— Andrew Carnegie
A constant stream of new innovations have always been the driving force in the evolution of men. Right now you are most probably looking at a LED screen in front of you. This lightweight, high resolution and thin screen, that enables you to visualize all information you want instantly, is the result of countless interations of innovations stacked on top of each other.
The first personal computers where tall like skyscrapers, now you have a screen merged with a computer in your pocket and you can use it from the palm of your hand. It that can inform you on any topic in a matter of seconds.
Was Satoshi Nakamoto actually pseudonym for a group of people?
Satoshi Nakamoto changed the world forever. He introduced a secure, decentralized digital currency out of reach of the central banks. It is clear though that is was not only him who laid the groundwork for crypto-currencies. It could even be possible that behind the pseudonym itself was a whole group of people.
True world changing innovations are rarely originating from one maverick that sits in a dark room all by himself. Yes it happens, but most of the time it’s a coordinated group effort.
Let’s now have a closer look at the current state of the Crypto Space. There are currently thousands of projects working on their roadmaps and ideas. All of these projects consist of a small team that act inside of their individual bubbles. 99% of these teams start out to address one specific void, one issue they want to solve. By doing that they automatically limit themselves and compete with other projects that also try to fill this void. Unfortunately in the end most of the times not the best solution wins, but the one with the best funding, networks and marketing.
It has always been like this in the history of technology. Mini Discs were far superior to CDs. They were smaller, unscratchable and had better sound quality. But CDs won. Another example is Gameboy that Nintendo introduced. The Gamegear from Sega was much better and already had a colored screen and was backlit, but the black and white Gameboy without backlight won this race. There are countless examples like this.
A strong active community is our main priority. For a reason.
We have developed an approach which takes the best of both worlds: Creating tools and services with optimal product market fit at a fast pace and secondly building a platform and network that will enable us to hit the market fast and with great impact.
First and foremost, by including our community in the creative process in a very specific and distinctive way, we hope to accelerate innovation and execution by a factor of 10. This strategy goes well beyond any DAO that is now in use.
“Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” — Vince Lombardi
What rewards do we offer ZeMind participants to encourage them to create worthwhile business ideas that sustain the ZeVoid mothership? We can’t reveal everything just now but in two words:
Revenue sharing.
Every ZeMind member who creates a notion for a new revenue stream receives a percentage of that revenue stream in perpetuity.
Everything else, including actual development, marketing, branding, etc., will be handled by ZeVoid. A portion of the profits will be reinvested in the ZeVoid ecosystem, which is constantly expanding. We are all ZeVoid in the end. This idea is incredibly straightforward but extremely effective.
This is exactly how ZeMind will start out: Simple, yet effective. Like everything we do we will bootstrap and build it from the ground up, because we believe this is the best way to build anything that lasts and has an impact. You can only fully adjust what you do to meet the actual market needs in the most ideal way if you start out with a minimal viable product. If you bootstrap everything you do, it is difficult to create anything that the market genuinely doesn’t desire. Since you are developing it in regular communication and feedback loops with the market itself. ZeMind will therefore get more complicated as it expands. It will go through its own revisions and evolution in a continuous feedback loop with its users.
This is the method ZeVoid is using to create a hivemind capable of resolving the most pressing problems in modern crypto. The brain of ZeVoid will always be ZeMind, our evergrowing hivemind braintrust.
We create our own destiny.
We are unstoppable.
Resistance is futile.
We are Crypto Renegades.
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Lead Creative