ZeOTC | Ze Revelation

ZeVoid | Official
4 min readOct 24, 2022


In this article we are proudly revealing the User-Interface for our upcoming dapp ZeOTC. From the start our declared mission for ZeOTC was to build the most intuitive and cleanest OTC platform in all of Crypto. We have developed it from the ground up (yes 100% original code and from scratch, we know that is rare) while keeping it free of charge for everyone.

Now repeat in unison:

What does OTC mean?
Trading Crypto-Currencies over-the-counter (OTC) simply means exchanging cryptocurrency assets or NFTs directly between two parties. It’s just like in the real world when you imagine two people bartering with each other:

Person A: “Give me seven fat chicken, I will give you this new AR headset.”
Person B: “Take ’em all, can’t live without AR any longer.”

If only every trade could go as seamlessly as the example given above… Of course, that’s not how it usually goes. This is why while designing the UI for our first ZeVoid dapp ZeOTC, we asked ourselves:

How do humans actually barter in the real world?

In reality, it often takes people some negotiating until they can come to an agreement. There are offers and also counter-offers. While looking at the OTC landscape, we realized that counter-offers were missing in most of the available decentralized OTCs we have come across.

Counter-offers are actually extremely important. They give the recipient of the offer the possibility to interact with the potential buyer, and to respond to the initial offer. This allows both parties to come to an agreement in the most natural and fastest way. ZeOTC is introducing counter-offers while the competition still sleeps on it.

ZeOTC is introducing Counter-Offers while the competition still sleeps on it.

“Capitalism invariably boils down to barter between two willing parties, neither of whom uses force to work with the other.” -Ben Shapiro

We decided to include counter-offers in our MVP (Minimum Viable Product) because, while innovative, we believe they are essential. Let’s now have a closer look at the actual UI of ZeOTC. Bear in mind that while the UI is mostly complete, there might still be some last-minute changes as we keep developing the frontend. Note that while we are polishing the frontend, the backend is not only finished, but also works flawlessly. That’s a given with our developer.

Now repeat in unison:

The ZeOTC marketplace, by default, displays public swap offers created by ZeOTC users. It will be filterable, making it easier to find what a user is looking for. A lot of care has been put into making the UI as intuitive as possible, so users can start using ZeOTC immediately with very little to no explanation needed.
To create an OTC trade, the user needs to input the OTC swap type, make the trade public or private and to enter which assets he is providing. The asset provider can only select an asset he already owns, and which is in the wallet he has connected to the dapp. He also needs to choose the assets he would like to receive in return.
Here you can see the Accept Swap page. The actual public or private swap happens here. A counter party user can confirm the trade, if it fits his liking and he has the assets needed to fulfill the swap in his wallet
And here is where the magic happens. Easy and fast counter-offers for all ZeOTC users. We are still working on the exact system, but the aim is to take decentralized OTC trading a step closer to real world OTC trades. This will be integrated in the Accept Swap page, where users view the trade. Users will be able to make counter-offers to public, as well as private OTC swaps, as long as they are designated for the trade.
Pending received Swap Confirmations: Swap confirmation requests a user has received for his created swap.- Pending sent Swap Confirmations: Swap confirmation requests a user has made, that are waiting for approval.
Pending received Counter-Offers: Counter-offer requests a user has received for his created swap. Pending created Counter- Offers: Counter offer requests a user has made, that are waiting for approval.
Swap History: History of all successful trades the user has completed.

Finally, the last two things we want to insist on: our free OTC dapp is fully decentralized and 100% on-chain. A lot of OTCs are part of a larger centralized exchanges and take advantage of your user data. Others claim they are fully decentralized and on-chain but aren’t! Our research revealed that many of their internal transactions actually happen off-chain. This is not the case with ZeOTC!

“Influential people are never satisfied with the status quo. They’re the ones who constantly ask, ‘What if?’ and ‘Why not?’ They’re not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom and they don’t disrupt things for the sake of being disruptive; they do it to make things better.” — Travis Bradberry

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0xaLpHaJeNs & Memegod



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