ZeVoid — A New Meta?
“Research your competitors” — the first step in creating a marketing strategy to take any project forward. I found this step to be null and void as I just could not find anything that was even remotely close to what ZeVoid is building. After days of studying marketing materials, closely following successful projects and countless late night discussions with the team, we finally realized that ZeVoid is fundamentally different and that we truly entered a new blue ocean. ZeVoid is not just yet another token or ecosystem. What ZeVoid actually represents is a new direction, a home of a new movement, perhaps even a brand new meta.
How exactly is ZeVoid different? Well I will let our Lead Creative, MemeGod explain it to you in a way that is almost poetic:
So, how do we effectively ignite a new movement? We accomplish that by bootstrapping it from the ground up — or, in other words: incentivized community engagement. We chose, like an old Banyan tree, to focus first on our roots and subsequently on the fruits. This will give us the necessary base to weather any storm.
To go ahead with this approach will require more than merely running advertisements, comparing analytics, influencers, and so on (a part of my job will have me doing these repetitive things anyway as they are essential). To really jumpstart a new movement, it’s all about spreading the word like a wildfire. Every true marketing professional knows: word-of-mouth marketing is by far the most effective. So we are shifting our focus towards building viral community engagement tools that will encourage YOU to share the word. These extremely powerful community rewarding tools will be built in such a way that those who have entered the void will be unable to stop talking about it.
What do we have in store to incentivize YOU to talk? Well, you shall discover it in my next article. But rest assured, YOU WILL talk and your friends and their friends won’t be able to resist to spread the word as well.
HINT: It’s a a game of chance…
So take a chance and enter the void.
ZeVoid will assimilate.
We create our own destiny.
We are unstoppable.
Resistance is futile.
We are Crypto Renegades.
Join us!
Until next time,
Marketing Director