ZeVoid’s Progress Update — February 2023

ZeVoid | Official
3 min readMar 15, 2023


February has been an active month for ZeVoid. Multiple decisions and development updates were pushed. We also reached ATH at $1M marketcap for the first time.
Let us take a deep dive into what all happened in February.

ZeOTC Development

ZeOTC’s front end development has been completed. The team spent most of February finding bugs and fixing the errors. Multiple changes have been made to the UI/UX to make the platform as user-friendly as possible.

• The development of counter-offers feature has been completed.
• A crucial adjustment was made in the token approval flow which will save gas fee for the user.
• Our dev team is now fully utilizing the Moralis API to obtain real-time USD values of each token within a swap.

ZePaper Release

The ZeVoid BlackPaper V 1.0

Our detailed whitepaper (ZePaper) has been released and is available to be downloaded from here:


Max Wallet Limit Removed

We have removed the max wallet limit of 1% completely which will now enable users to buy a higher value in one go. Max tx limit of 1% has also been removed.

$ZVOID listed on Bermuda Privacy Wallet

ZeVoid is proud to announce the listing of the $ZVOID token on the Bermuda Privacy Wallet. Users can now hold, transfer and trade $ZVOID tokens anonymously. We do believe that privacy should always be a core tenet for any blockchain technology, and as such are particularly enthusiastic about this listing and the possibility of collaborating further down the line with the Bermuda team! All wallet contents and the swap transactions are completely hidden from block explorers.

AMA with Crypto Miners

ZeVoid was invited for an AMA on Crypto Miner’s Twitter spaces. The AMA was conducted by VedP and 0xaLpHaJeNs with the main focus being put on our first two products — ZeOTC and ZeTrust.
Listen to the full recording here:

AMA with Community Trust Fund

ZeVoid was selected by the CTF team as a potential project to invest in. Listen to our discussion with the founder of CTF here:


Community engagement across Twitter and Telegram were the highest so far ZeVoid in the month of February. We saw an incredible organic growth on our social media platforms with new users joining in and engaging within our community. At the beginning of February we also conducted a biggest buy competition with 0.5 ETH as reward.

We focused on providing regular updates straight from our dev team which led to high engagement across multiple social media platforms and an increase in community engagement.

Number of holders: 383
Telegram members: 882
Twitter followers: 849

Well, this is it for our ZeVoid progress update. Don’t forget to like and share with your friends!

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We are unstoppable.
Resistance is futile.
We are Crypto Renegades.

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Until next time,

Marketing Director

